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Our Privacy Policy 




This Privacy statement sets out how Inner City Vandals, who operate this website located at /, use the information you give us. We may change this privacy statement at any time by posting such changes on our site. Your continued use of the site after notice of changes shall mean you agreed to the new privacy statement. We are committed to respecting your privacy. Once you choose to provide us with any information by which you can be identified with, then you can be assured that it will only be used in accordance with this privacy statement. By using the site, you agree to this use.


What We Collect


We may collect the following information:

Where you order products, we will collect your title, name, contact details, delivery address, billing information, transaction, and card information.

What we do with the information we gather:

We require this information to understand your needs and provide you with a better service. We may use your information for the following reasons:

Internal record keeping;
Analysis purpose to develop and improve our products and services;
To allow our representatives to follow up, either by email, phone or mail, people who have purchased goods from our site as part of our customer care procedures;
From time to time, to contact you for market research purposes. We may Contact you by email or phone;
For the prevention and detection of fraud or if the law permits or compels us to disclose it or we otherwise have a duty to disclose it to a third party; or to pass to anyone whom we transfer our rights or obligations to under our Terms (such as subcontractors and couriers).


Who we share the information with and your choices


When you use this site and have not advised us to the contrary, you are agreeing that we may use your information for the purpose set out in this privacy statement. We may pass information about you to the following, who may use it for the same purpose as set out above:
To other divisions of Inner City Vandals;
To agents of Inner City Vandals to administer any accounts, goods/services provided to you by Inner City Vandals now or in the future;
To agents to profile your information to allow us to tailor the goods/services we offer to your needs;

How we use cookies  

This website uses cookies to identify you and your interests and to track usage of the site.
A cookie doesn’t give us access to your computer or any information about you, other than the data you choose to share with us.


Requesting your personal data


If you have any concerns about the information, we may hold on you. Please don’t hesitate to email us at where you can request a copy of your data or request for that data to be permanently deleted.



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